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1. Download
To download Bel Atout (the free full unlimited version with no advertising), click on the belatout662e.exe link in the yellow rectangle below:
Publishing this software from another site or any support is not allowed.
Latest version available: 2. Installation
After downloading, open your Downloads folder and double-click belatout662e.exe to carry out the installation. Let yourself be guided, accept the authorizations and complete the installation. An icon will be added to your desktop in order to launch the program. You don't have to be online to play.
To update a previous version, just install this new version in the same folder as your previous one. The new files will be modified, but neither your personal files nor your preferences.
Cliquez ici pour la version française.
Direct link to this page, that you are free to use:
The standard version of Bel Atout is supplied with a few sounds and voices. But these sounds are in the mp3 format, which cannot be heard by all configurations. If you are in this case, you can download the equivalent sounds in the full wav format :
Must be downloaded only if your configuration cannot read the sounds in the mp3 format. Have a try first. If needed, read the help files of Bel Atout. Note also that some users who could hear the sounds from Windows Explorer but not from Bel Atout, have fixed this problem by installing a new version of their media player.
A few sounds : Laughs, screams, applauds, etc.
Sounds for the comparison
One voice : for the bidding, melding, etc.
When extracting a Zip file, don't forget, BEFORE clicking the Unzip button, to click the Browse button in order to indicate to which folder you want to extract. If you skip this step and click too soon the Unzip button, you extract the file to a temporary folder that is not really accessible.